Established in 1990, Vortech Engineering, LLC offers a variety of automotive
performance products including complete supercharging systems, fuel
system components and air-to-water aftercoolers for domestic and import
vehicles plus marine applications. Vortech has also consistently earned
praise from the automotive press for its premier centrifugal supercharging
systems and performance enhancing parts and accessories.
Vortech has been credited with a number of innovations in the field
of centrifugal supercharging. Among these achievements include being
the first to utilize a supercharger development test cell designed and
operated in accordance with SAE Standard J-1723. We also demonstrated
the first successful use of gears in a centrifugal supercharger. In
addition, Vortech initiated the use of an air bypass valve in systems
and air/oil mist system for cooling.
Vortech has been awarded six US patents and has received three of the
prestigious Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) awards for
Best Engineered New Product. No other centrifugal manufacturer has ever
received one of these coveted awards. These achievements were not so
much a flash of brilliance as the culmination of an intensive development